Wednesday, August 17, 2005

When a person wakes up in the early hours of dawn, an angel proclaims, "Glorify the Lord, Most Holy!"

-The Prophet Muhammad

So... I wake up at three in the morning... to drive my hubby to the airport... with the little girl and my dad... dazing in and out and snoring in the backseat. After 20 minutes of driving... I ask P if he has his Green Card with him and he answers no! We drive back to take the GC... incase the airport security mistakes him for some one else! After all with such dark eyes and beautiful olive skin... we don't look like the Caucasian we officially are.... My father-in-law is in intensive care and our days have been full of anxiety, exhaustion and worries...

"Though a man live a thousand years, yet at his demise it seems to him as though he had lived but an hour."

- Zohar

... and for us too it seems those we love and lose have lived just an hour...


"Since beginning his hunger strike on June 11, Mr. Ganji has emerged as a symbol for Iran's increasingly restless democratic opposition. In recent weeks, Kurdish leaders - currently engaged in their own uprisings in Iran's western provinces - have expressed solidarity with the jailed writer. Indeed, representatives of Iran's student organizations have told the Sun that Mr. Ganji's defiance and open letters calling for the supreme leader to step down have inspired the fight in many of Iran's activists who were demoralized after the ascendancy of former revolutionary guard intelligence commander, Mahmoud Amadinejad, to the presidency in June."

Eli Lake