Monday, December 25, 2006

اخبار روز: ارتش آمریکا چهار ایرانی وایسته به حکومت را طی روزهای اخیر در عراق بازداشت کرده است. از میان این گروه، دو دیپلمات ایرانی آزاد شده اند اما دو مقام عالی رتبه نظامی ایران همچنان در بازداشت هستند

ISNA: "As the Iraqi President, Jalal Talebani notified in his statements, these diplomats were invited by the Iraqi state for cooperation and so the Iraqi state is responsible to release them. The occupiers must be questioned based on international rules," he added.
International Rules? Since when they care about international rules! Ah! Only selected rules that favor their actions!