Sunday, July 31, 2005

همسر گنجى در مقابل دفتر سازمان ملل در تهران تحصن می كند

On Wednesday 9:30 Tehran time Masoumeh Shafie, Ganji's wife is going on a strike outside the entrance of United Nations office in Tehran. She's asked others to show their solidarity by supporting her.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Photos of today's gathering at the Ganjis'.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Ten days ago

The Neurologist: The CT scan shows your dad has had two strokes.
Sheema: Strokes?
The Neurologist is explaining to me while the little girl is sitting on a chair... my dad, a patient. I feel blood in my ears, my mood is turning gray, and my hands start swelling. He needs to have two MRI.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

If you are a Bridget Jones fan you may like to find yourself face to face with a real Kafir Aghani case. Please read Jessica and Hossein's story and sign this petition to stop the deportation of Hossein Siavoshy.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Where are you from Ms. Sheema? The pear land... and I am going e-bay sir!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The author of Why Bush prefers a dead Ganji and the nominated councillor in Nakuru have some 20 head of beef cattle and 40 goats in common when voicing their opinions! Good luck to them both!

"but I came here for freedom"

Mostafa Mirmehdi

Justice for Mirmehdi brothers (Mohammad, Mostafa, Mohsen and Mojtaba). If this had happened in Iran where physical and mental torture are the bread and butter of the ruling regime or if it had happened in Denmark where social and psychological rape is an ever-existing law of the European societies... it wouldn't have surprised me but this is America! America is where they teach your child to share, where parents ask their children to wait for their turn to play, where Bin Ladans cannot recruit because the laws of the country protect every ones rights and the minorities are not under constant pressure to convert into Europeanism, Islamism or whatever ism and logy are there to kill and/or abuse in their unfortunate name! This is outrageous America!

Monday, July 25, 2005

The regime has arrested the mother of Mohammadis' (the two university students/turned political prisoners,) and hundreds of other protesters.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

After 14 days on hunger strike Manouchehr Mohammadi is in a coma.

Ahmad Saraji, a blogwriter, has been taken from his house on June 30, 2005, by the intelligence ministry officials to Tabriz Prison. Since his arrest , Mr. Saraji has started a hunger strike and his health has been severly deteriorated. He has been transferred to Tabriz Prison's Clinic.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

روزهایی که زندانیان سیاسی میان دیوارهای زندان ها می پوسند.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

من به معلم و ریس مهد کودک دختر کوچولو: شما راه چاره ای دارین که به من بگین چه کار کنم... دختر کوچولو مدتیه هر شب ساعت دو نصف شب میاد توی تخت من و شوهرم و همه اش هم ابراز نارضایتی می کنه که جاش کمه.. و سقلمه هست که به پت و پهلوی ما می خوره.

معلم دختر کوچولو: دختر منم که سه سالشه نایت میر/کابوس می بینه که خرچنگ زیر تختش هست و میاد توی تخت ما ...یا اگر نگذارم بیاد توی اتاقمون... پایین تختش می خوابه که خرچنگها رو ببینه!

ریس مهد کودک: من سه تا بچه دارم توی سنین مختلف و هر ساعت از شب یکیشون میاد توی تخت و نمی گذاره ما بخوابیم. اگه چاره ای پیدا کردی به منم بگو.

من به پدر: آره بابا جون... اینجوری گفتن... پس شما و مامان ما سه تارو چه جوری تربیت کرده بودین که هیچوقت تو اتاق شما نمی آمدیم.

پدر: خوووب


عباس فخر آور، يكي از فعالان جنبش دانشجويي كه چند سالي از زندگي خود را در زندان هاي جمهوري اسلامي گذرانده و مدتي را با اكبر گنجي در يك سلول به سر برده، در مصاحبه با راديو فردا به نقل از منوچهر محمدي كه شب گذشته اكبر گنجي را در بيمارستان زندان ديده، مي گويد: وضع جسمي اكبر گنجي هنگام انتقال به بيمارستان ميلاد بسيار وخيم بوده است
راديو فردا...

رئيس بيمارستان ميلاد: گنجي هيچ مشكلي ندارد و از شب گذشته طبق رژيم خاص بيمارستان شروع به غذا خوردن كرده است. فتاحي در گفت‌‏وگو با خبرنگار "ايلنا"، حال اكبر گنجي را بسيار خوب توصيف كرد و گفت: وضعيت گنجي به هيچ وجه وخيم نيست و من وخيم بودن حال وي را شديدا تكذيب مي‌‏كنم.
خبرگزاري كار ايران


دختر کوچولو: من گرسنتمه.
من: شما نیمساعت پیش غذا خوردی
دختر کوچولو: (صدای عجیب غریب که یعنی داره سکسکه می کنه...) ببین شیکمم صدا می ده
من: نه عزیزم شما گرسنت نیست. نیم ساعت دیگه که وقت دیدن کارتونت شد می تونی بلوز کلوزتو (نوعی آب نبات کشی) بخوری
دختر کوچولو: من ولی الان گشنتمه بلوز کلوز می خوام

دختر کوچولو: این پرنسس کراون داره. مام کراون داریم؟
من: آره داریم مانی... به فارسی می شه تاج
دختر کوچولو: نه به فارسی می شه کلاه پرنسس، تاج نه!

دختر کوچولو: این مورچه هه بال داره مانی
من: نه مانی، این اسمش مگسه
دخترکوچولو: مانی... بی ی ی یا بامبو بیز تو کفشمه

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Roozonline: Ganji is taken to hospital.


Prayer is meaningless unless it is subversive, unless it seeks to overthrow and to ruin the pyramids of callousness, hatred, opportunism and falsehood. The liturgical movement must become a revolutionary movement, seeking to overthrow the forces that continue to destroy the promise, the hope, the vision.

- Abraham Joshua

Saturday, July 16, 2005

A university student, Hasan Asadi has been arrested.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Kianoush Sanjari, Manouchehr Mohammadi... there is no news of Kianoush... Mohammadi is on hunger strike... I have bought color pencils for the little girl... She has made a mask in school... She promised to sleep in her bed... Dad talks about Maman... I call P on the phone... he says he loves me... I am still typing somewhere between the little girl's color pencils and my hands... she is sleep in her bed... I have postponed another interview... this bloody backspace keeps erasing my notes... I need to shut my ears and eyes... hello kitty the news media... hello world... dear frenzied fans of Harry Potter and CIA leak case readers... A living Jesus is sacrificing his life... the people are watching him on the cross... the soldiers, the Rabbis, the thieves, the virgins... the whores...

I am still typing somewhere between the little girl's color pencils and my hands...
"Iranian dissidents appealed to the United Nations to support calls for freedom for Akbar Ganji, the brave writer who is being tortured in Tehran for the sin of exposing the murderous activities of the theocratic regime of the Islamic republic.The top dog at the U.N., Kofi Annan, declined to take a stand, claiming he did not know enough to have an opinion."
Michael Ledeen
Free Image Hosting at
via Iranian Times

This candle is dying out, but its voice will not

"Many inside and outside the country ask why I have staged a hunger strike and why I am trying to reach legitimate ends through self-destruction. Is it not true that practical rationality demands that the ends and the means to those ends be in proportion with each other? Is it not true that theoretic rationality demands that for all claims (opinions and beliefs) suitable reasons should be offered? Is my action consistent with practical and theoretic rationality? Am I not considered a madman by intellectuals and liberals and human rights defenders? Here I shall try, despite the extreme physical weakness that has completely worn me out, to share my views clearly with everyone."

Akbar Ganji
Second Letter to the Free People of the World
read the rest on /Free Ganji

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Akbar Ganji is held in solitary confinement in Tehran's Evin prison.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

سو ء قصد به جان زندانیان سیاسی امنیتي زندان رجایی شهر کرج

Friday, July 08, 2005

Support Freedom,
Human Rights and
Democracy in Iran

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Please sign the petition for freedom of Dr. Hossein Ghazian here.

Human Rights First support human rights activists who fight for basic freedoms and peaceful change at the local level; protect refugees in flight from persecution and repression; help build a strong international system of justice and accountability; and make sure human rights laws and principles are enforced in the United States and abroad.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Letter to the Free People of the World

Nineteen days have passed since I began my hunger strike. I have lost nineteen kilograms. I am imprisoned. I do not have permission to make phone calls or read newspapers. I have been denied visitation. I cannot walk outside my cell. The liars say they have no political prisoners. They say the political prisoners are not on hunger strike. They distort the facts by calling a cell a suite, saying that prisons are as comfortable as they can be in a hotel! Calling a donkey a parrot does not miraculously turn the donkey into a parrot! Prisoner is someone whose liberty has been taken away. Does calling a prison a hotel change the nature of the prison? A political prisoner is someone who speaks his conscience. We are arrested solely because we differ from what is permitted. Human rights organizations are aware how hundreds of people have been imprisoned only because of different views. The liars change their words. First they say Ganji is in solitary confinement. Next he is on hunger strike. Then they say Ganji has to be punished. Next they quote doctors that Ganji has asthma. Have the doctors prohibited Ganji from visitations, reading newspaper, making or receiving phone calls, breathing fresh air, or seeing the sunlight? Is it why you have sent a smuggler who is sentenced to 15 years in prison to my cell in order to murder me? If punishment is to force me show remorse for my manifests, you will not achieve your objective. Iranian Stalinists have inherited these techniques from Stalin's interrogators. I have written the republicanism manifests after much research and study. I will not take back my word. I will not show remorse. I will not stop my hunger strike until I reach my goal.
Today my weary face reflects the true face of the Islamic republic of Iran's regime. Today I am the symbol of justice. Look closely and you see the regime's injustice. People wonder if I am the same person they once knew. Their torture has reduced my weight from 77kg to 58kg. They hide me from the world. They hide me from the journalists.

Khamanei will be directly responsible for my death. Mortazavi gets his orders from Khamanei via Hejazi (Khamenei's chief of staff). I am against Khamanei's unlimited lifetime rule because it is contradictory to the rule of people. I knew my statements would have ramifications and I was right. Even Rafsanjani, Karoubi, and Moin tasted a bit of Khamenei's democracy in this election. One-man rule contradicts democracy. In this system, one man orders and the rest have to obey. Mortazavi has told my wife that hundreds die everyday, Ganji could be one of them. These are Khamenei’s words that are spoken by Mortazavi. Ganji may die but seeking liberty, justices, democracy, hope, dream, and ideals will never die. Loving one another and making sacrifices will always stay alive.

Akbar Ganji

June 29th 2005

note: I translated 90% of Ganji's letter from the original Persian... hoping to have his voice be heard by more people around the world.
After 19 days on hunger strike, Akbar Ganji has written a letter from the prison saying in case of his death, Khamenei Is Ganji's executioner.