Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I finished an interview tonight and I had the image/s of Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president in NY, and the two Kurdish men who were recently executed in Iran... when answering the questions regarding my blogging... the thing is...

Does my blogging give a negative image of Iran? Well perhaps we need to change the reality of our country in order to present a better image of Iran to the world! We are a nation where we "watch" executions in the streets of the capital, we "vote" for a murderer mullah like Rafsanjani... in order to stop another murderer from becoming the next president... we are a country where stoning (sangsar) is not looked upon as a sin but losing virginity is! And women can't divorce their husband, have no saying in their children's lives once they are divorced, and are equivalent of a garbage disposal by both the laws of the country and the male population... so why should I present a positive image when a terrorist is speaking in the United Nations on my behalf and my country!