Monday, September 19, 2005

Rumi says... Grapes come from vines; but do grapes look like vines? Does theft have the same shape as gallows? Nothing resembles its consequences.

Grapes come from vines; but Ahmadinejad is treated so differently from the previous Iranian president that you start wondering about the vines and grapes! The Iranians inside the country, the Iranians outside the country, and the United Nation delegates snub Ahmadinejad... even a CNN reporter, Christina Amanpour interviews Ahmadinejad without hair-covers (Ouch!) Aren't both Khatami and Ahmadinejad the representatives of the same regime that terrorizes its own people, and supports and exports terrorists? Is Ahmadinejad mistreated (!) because he is not a clergy and does not have the same shape as the rest of the gallows? Why is it that for the ever-smiling president Khatami, the hell froze and people bowed to his excellency but for this guy (by the way more power to those who went and demonstrated against Ahmadinejad's speech at the United Nations in NY,) it's all about the way he talks, walks, his white socks & black trousers, his big nose and ugly smile! At least this guy... unlike those other murderers... has a PhD...If not for the PhD... the least we can do is hurray... for his Masters in engineering!
From these entire... there is one tiny winy conclusion.... and that is...(a Socio-psychological conclusion)... the depth and power... the clergies have had for decades on the Iranians' lives... only... the power is now shifting to the defenders of revolution!

Nothing resembles its consequences.

کتاب سنگسار توسط چاپ سندباد در لوس آنجلس به چاپ رسیده است. از شاعره ارزشمند و دانا خانم پرتو نوری علا عزیزم، نویسنده و محقق توانا آقای کوشیار پارسی مهربان و دوست نازنینم، شاعره پر احساس دکتر ماندانا زندیان برای همیاری ایشان در چاپ این کتاب کمال تشکر را دارم. باشد که روزی سرزمین ما ایران، به جای چوبه های دار، سنگسار و اعدامهای دسته جمعی... از عاشقانه های فریدون مشیریها لبریز شود.

شیما کلباسی

My heterosexuality... apparently is not only a problem but also a matter of discrimination!... my friend and co-author, Ron had submitted our poem as a co-written work to these people... the editor responded to Ron as if I... had not contributed to the poem. They wanted to publish his part... without mentioning my name and after our inquiry the editor killed the already-accepted-poem! I say... their editor needs to take a course in public relations because I am too straight to be tongue-tied.