Wednesday, March 15, 2006

When I get excited reading something... firecrackers hamper my spirit, Ah! the enjoyment! This blogger makes me fertile of such emotions.

Count Down, in a recent post titled Lies, Deception, and the Washington Post blogs: "Of course Karl Vick and David Finkel's conclusion is quite different. For them the sweetest part of the story is probably when Baghi calls Bush stupid George. More interestingly they mention closure of 100 publications in 2000 by the hardliners. About the same time, Ganji and many other activists go to jail (even initially sentenced to death) for attending a conference in Berlin. At that time there was no stupid George in the White House to offer $85M for the cause of democracy. The only thing the White House had to offer then was Madam Albright's appeasement of the mullahs."