Saturday, March 31, 2007


This morning I was watching CNN and the pictures of the British hostages with Persian subtitles reminded me what type of illness Iran is suffering from. Ah, yes! The illness has a name: The Iranian regime. With so many educated and supposedly open minded people do we really deserve to be represented by such people: Terrorists, murderers, thieves, and liars?!! I was browsing through the Iranian websites and blogs and it is incredibly ironic to read how some of these people are trying to excuse the terrorist regime of Iran by asking questions such as: How would it be if it was the Iranian ship that had sailed in their waters, etc. First of all these Brits have been in the international waters, secondly so what! And thirdly every single human is constantly endangered by the Iranian regime not only in Iran but elsewhere so please do enlighten me what is there to compare? The Brits have a government that despite its shortcomings is a democracy (based on my personal experiences in Europe I’d say most Europeans are racist but still this doesn't change the fact that they do have democracy and democratic governments and Iranians don't). What is comparable between the Iranian regime and the British government? The British government is by far a more civilized government where as the Iranian regime has victimized millions of Iranians and HAS committed crimes beyond imagination. Even I who sit in the U.S. and writes... receive several death threats because I write what I write.