Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sabrina Tavernise: "Many of the chanting Iraqis were from the Tweisa neighborhood, where support for the anti-American cleric Moktada al-Sadr runs high. Mr. Sadr has frequently channeled the anger of impoverished Shiites against American and British forces."

Apparently after the helicopter crash in Basra... some people found it amusing enough to chant and celebrate! I can't get it... how... one can cheer for someone's death... even if S/he had murdered that person's loved one!

بی بی سی: "پس از سقوط هلی کوپتر ( انگلیسی در بصره) درحالی که لاشه آن در آتش می سوخت، جمعيتی از عراقی ها در نزديکی محل حادثه به شادمانی پرداختند."

حرکات عجیب غریب و جلف! من که موندم از این طرز فکر! آدم در مرگ هر کسی... حتی قاتل پدرش هم که باشه که رقص و پایکوبی نمی کنه!