Tuesday, May 10, 2005

lets go to bed early... so that we can be full of energy ...even after waking up with the little girls' feet on our faces ... at five in the morning. He agrees to try sleeping early and P and I... head up the stairs and to our bed... only to wake up by the doorbell at 1:00 a.m. I look outside and see an African American man walking around the house. We call the cups and while P is giving the description... the guy goes to his car and starts driving back and forth a few times and finally leaving...
a few minutes later we had three police cars parked in front of our home and two cups at our door... asking questions.
They missed the guy maybe with two minutes delay! They were fast.

... I say they had camped outside our home... considering I had written about job openings at CIA on my blog!
I took dad to the hospital. He has a very high blood pressure and we have to go for a cat scan from his head.