Saturday, February 25, 2006

12 Steps to succeed in the Iranian blogosphere

1) Meet the Iranian blog Press a.k.a. Hussein Derakhshan
2) Act like a liberal when you are not and start blogging
3) Be a former basiji turned reformist turned blogger
4) Be a former reformist journalist turned blogger
5) Marry a former journalist-a reformist-turned blogger
6) Befriend a former journalist- a reformist-turned blogger and start blogging
7) Be an activist of some sort (human rights, women rights, animal rights, or just do what you feel is right!) and start blogging
8) Be a reformist Mullah-blogger
9) Vote for a reformist nominee and blog under the influence
10) Travel by reformists' financial support and advocate their policies.
11) call yourself a human rights activist, call Islamic Rebublic an illiberal semi-democracy, insist that Iran is not ready for liberal democracy and you'll find a lot of fans in be Euro-American liberal media
12) I am a liberal. I like neocons, I am for gays, I am pro-choice, I like Bush, and I like Hillary. Seems like I am a confused blogger!