Friday, February 03, 2006

Den 30 september 2005 offentliggjorde den Danske avis Jyllands-posten 12 karikatur tegninger af profeten Mohammed. Mohammeddanerer rejste en storm af protester og 2 af tegnerene gik under jorden efter at have modtaget døds trusler. De Islamiske organisationer forlangte en undskyldning fra den danske regering og hændelsen udviklede sig til en verdens-omspændende diplomatisk krise. Organisationen "Den Islamiske konference", Europa rådet og FN kritiserede den Danske regering for ikke at have iværksat repressalier mod Jyllands-posten. Den Danske Statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussen forsvarede pressefriheden samt ytringsfriheden og fastslog at eventuelle represialier, hvis nogen, ikke kan iværksættes af regeringen men kun i en dansk retssal. I mellemtiden afbrændes det Danske flag og Danske produkter tages ned fra hylderne i flere islamiske lande. Mange lande har hjemkaldt deres Ambassadører fra Danmark og bevæbnede mænd har angrebet EU's kontor i Gaza striben.

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On the 30th of September 2005 the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed. Mohammedans raised a storm of protest and two artists went into hiding after receiving death threats. Islamic organisations demanded an apology from the Danish government and the incident turned into a world-wide diplomatic issue. The OIC (the Organisation of the Islamic Conference), the Council of Europe and the UN all criticised the government of Denmark for not taking measures against the newspaper Jyllands-Posten. The Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen defended the freedom of the press and free speech and stated that any measures, if appropriate, could not be taken by the government but only by a court of law. Meanwhile in Islamic countries Danish flags are burned and Danish products are taken off the shelves. Several countries have withdrawn their ambassadors from Denmark and armed men attacked the office of the EU in the Gaza strip.
... as I wrote before... Freedom of speech comes with responsible behavior. It doesn't mean thrusting racism up Muslims' face by demeaning what is holy to them and all these in the name of Freedom of Speech!! We never see a cartoon of Christ having bombs around his head (he was from the Middle East after all!) Or two Jews sitting in Auschwitz speaking about who will taste better! A racist cartoonist draws politically incorrect cartoons! At the same time... what is surprising is that we never see such reaction when there is a beheading, stoning, and execution in the name of Islam!!