Thursday, February 09, 2006

When the Mullah is a Cowboy!

The little girl: Will you read me a Persian story?
Sheema: sure! What do you want me to read you?
The little girl: The cowboy story.
Sheema: Cowboy story? What cowboy story?
The little girl: That cowboy story in Farsi (Persian).
Sheema: I don’t know any cowboy stories in Persian! We don't have cowboy stories in Iran! If we have I don't know any! Do you want to show me which cowboy story you want me to read you?
The little girl ...all excited and cheerful... jumps out of her bed and goes to the book shelves at the corner of her room... na in (not this,) na in (not this... ) inja nist (it's not here) too mashin-e (it's in the car) Will you please bring it for me? She wanted Nasreddin Hadja! Mystery solved!